
Tuesday Blues

Some days, the work day feels long and tedious...
And with the crazy weather (think sunshine, then snow, then sunny snow all in the same day...) outside my window, my mind is effectively somewhere else. These past couple of days I've been in a fog, finding it hard to focus or feel motivated. Perhaps if my office and desk looked like any of these I'd find it easier to get my work done...
Because cluttered symmetry is right up my alley...
And my computer would keep me focused on the task at hand...And my clipboards are organized art...And I have a great view...And my loft office makes the space open and inviting...
And the simplicity keeps my mind from being cluttered...And the bright colors are brain candy...And I feel elegant and sophisticated all day long...And then at night I can take a break to do some star-gazing...But for now I'll stick to staring out of my window, waiting for the sun to peek out of the clouds, and putting my nose back to the proverbial grindstone... oh, happy day!

{all images via weheartit}

1 comment:

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

what gorgeous inspirational images, one day i'll have a lovely workplace too ( i hope! )