Introducing... my travel candle! {Well, Mom's travel candle :) }
Thanks to design*sponge, I have many new projects to try out with an Altoids tin. Perhaps it's because I'm petite, but I'm drawn to pocket-sized items!
When Dan calls his superfan we find out that "Scott" is actually Rufus and Lily's adopted son, which means he must have figured that out somehow, despite the fact that his adopted parents told Rufus and Lily he was dead. But wait: Why do Scott's parents pick up his cell phone? Does Scott still live at home? Wouldn't he have been conceived way before Dan and Jenny and therefore be too old? **OR: Did all of the drugs Lily consumed in the eighties mean he was born with flippers and therefore lives in a special pressurized tank upstairs? We can only hope.** Until then, Minus 5.