
Manic Monday

If it has to be Monday, we can at least have a little fun...!!!

{One can never have too much sparkle, especially at this time of the year!}

How was your holiday weekend?? My Christmas at home felt too short, but was very nice and comfortable. I like having traditions and sticking to them! The mall has been crazier than I thought I would be, but I guess now everyone has money to spend! At least most of them are happy shoppers :) This week has started off amazingly and will end much the same, I'm sure, with New Years on the way. One of my bestest friends is in town for the week and I get to see her as much as I want! What more can you ask for?! Love you, Ems!

And three links to inspire you:
*Are you bendy? Either way, Yoga Today offers a free hour-long streaming class a week!
*This is a hilarious Flickr set by Crossover -- he had to wait hours to capture each picture!
*If you've ever wondered what inspired you favorite band name, you can find the answers here!

{images via WeHeartIt}

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